To give a similar experience while touching the breasts of your love doll as to that of a human body, we work on constant improvisation of the breasts. Three ways of working on the breasts are:
- Standard
- Gel-filled
- Hollow
Adult Sex Doll Breast Option - Standard, Gel-filled Or Hollow?
Having to pick out your favorite doll from our wide variety of sex dolls can be quite a hassle. Presently in our collection, we have over 2000 sex dolls for you to make your choice from, and it doesn’t even end there. Once you’ve been able to reach a final decision and stick to your real doll, you are ushered into another whole world of designs and upgrades. You would also be asked about the kind of breast design you may want; this is where this article comes in handy as it provides a glimpse of what sort of breast you may want your sex doll to possess.
Three available options for sex dolls:
- Standard breasts,
- Gel-filled breasts,
- Hollow breasts.
Description of each breast design, advantages, and disadvantages are explained below.
Standard Breasts
The standard breasts are easy and simple, and they come at no extra cost. It is made with the same material as your doll, either Silicone or TPE. The breasts happen to be firm and perky but still contain, to an extent, some degree of softness and bounce that a Silicone or TPE sex doll should have.
This option is your best bet if you are not so concerned about the softness of the breast and wish to avoid paying for upgrades. The standard breast is real enough for those who want them like that and are not interested in purchasing an upgrade.
- Advantages
- You do not pay extra because it comes with your sex doll.
- Firm and perky.
- Disadvantages
Absolutely cannot be compared to the others that are squishy or bouncy.

Gel-filled Breasts

The best option there would ever be as far as real-life sex dolls’ breasts are concerned. Way softer than the standard breasts option, more full and perkier than the hollow breasts option. The gel comes close the most because it is a perfect middle ground and beats all other options with the way it imitates the feel and movement of the human breasts. The gel-filled breasts are made strictly in a way that seems so realistic, just like human fat.
The gel-filled option is the best option there is and is really worth the upgrade if you are interested in having a sexy sex doll that gives the feel of human breasts.
There are videos below which basically show the movement and feel of a sex doll with gel-filled breasts.
- Advantages
- Most real option there is.
- Moderately soft and perky at the same time.
- Disadvantages
Highly expensive among all options.
Hollow Breasts
If you happen to fall under the category of men that really love light and bouncy breasts that are super soft at the same time, then you happen to be in the right spot.
Hollow breasts, as implied by the name, are hollow, and instead of being solid like the TPE or gel-filled, the air is inserted into them to fill them up. With this air inside of them, they end up becoming squishy and jiggly. One good thing about it is you’d be able to grab them or watch them bounce without fear.
They cost a little bit extra compared to the standard breasts.
- Advantages
- Bounces a whole lot.
- Highly soft and squishy.
- Disadvantages
Not as perky as others.