Points To Note When Dressing Your Doll
The limbs of the Silicone doll can move, but it’s with some restrictions. While dressing your sex doll to suit your taste, you also need to protect the Silicone skin. Do well to take note of the following points.
Do Not Allow The Limbs To Bend Too Much
When dressing your sex doll, try as much as possible to avoid raising the arms of your doll too high so Silicone ruptures or tearing do not occur. Please pay close attention to the safe angle instructions in the Physical Activity Scope strictly for operations.
Be Mindful Of Scratches
Be careful not to allow your love doll to wear clothing or accessories with edges so sharp that they begin to disfigure your love doll. If, however, your choice of clothing does contain sharp buttons and the like, do well to treat your real doll like a baby while dressing her.
Take Off The Head Before Putting On A Coat
When dressing your love doll and you notice that some part of the clothing is too tight or would give your life-like doll some level of inconvenience, do well to take off the head of your real doll.

Piercings (Ear and Naval)
Can you give your adult sex doll piercings? Positive. In all you do, be sure to note that the instruments for piercings are thin iron wire or needles to pinch a little into the Silicone skin of your realistic doll. However, the diameter of the piercing hole should not be more than 0.5mm, and you should, on no account, use knives or other sharp objects to cut. These piercings are permanent to avoid Silicone ruptures or tears.
Remember to always apply powder to your real doll before dressing up in tight pants. Silicone happens to have a lot of friction and so if it is too tight to dress the love doll in trousers or socks, do the following. Take off the pants, and apply bath powder or talc powder before dressing again.
Fitness Of Clothing
Try as much as possible to avoid dressing your sex doll in tight clothing or clothing that would squeeze her for a long while. This can cause either rupture of the silicone or defamation.
If the dress size you desire for your sex doll doesn’t fit, get a different one. Plus, some of the clothing must be specially made for dolls.
Prevent Coloration
Some types of clothing are made from either dyed artificial leather or other oil-stained leather materials with terrible coloring that may seep into the inside of the silicone once the sex doll has had contact with the dress for a long while. This can lead to a change in your sex doll’s skin color. The most realistic thing to do is to avoid this type of glowing as much as possible or if the need arises and you have to put them on, let it be for a limited time on the sexy sex doll’s body.
Use bath Powder, Talc, Or Baby Powder To Prevent Stickiness
Naturally, the silicone’s surface is quite sticky. What needs to be done is that you make use of bath powder or talcum powder before dressing. If static electricity is available, the static electricity spray can be used. Be careful when spraying, though, so you don’t spray too much.