This website belongs to RenoDoll; we deal in the sales of sex dolls. All information about our company and our contact details can be found on our website.
What our policy does?
Our policy tells you all you need to know about giving out your personal details to us. Our policy details only cover the details given to us. If you give out your personal details to other websites at any point, kindly check their company’s policy.
Only make use of our services after going through our policy details, and it satisfies you.
Can there be a change in policy?
If our policy undergoes changes at any point, we will notify you of these changes.
What details do you give us?
Your pieces of information that we get for use on our websites include;
Your name and your contact ID
The proof of your ID for verification purposes
Your account details (username and password)
Your usage of our service transaction details
Pieces of information included in your communication with us, such as surveys and feedback
Information you provide us with to use for our newsletters and other services.
Automated information on how you use our services, such as the internet protocol, your connected device, and your browser type.
Your reference number, device identification, mobile data network, login details and login activities, the site through which you enter our sites, the pages you visited, and the transactions you performed.
However, we might get the following information about you from third parties;
Your billing information is sent to us from your payment issuers, such as your name, your billing, and email address, for the purpose of verification.
The legality or basis of our getting such information
Information, such as your account, contact, transaction, and profile information, has to be freely given. This information is obtained from you because it is only with your consent that we can use this information to enter into a contract with you.
We get your information so as to legitimately send you marketing updates on our products and other similar products and equally manage and protect our services to give you security from fraud or abuse and equally track usage patterns. For these, we get your contact details, data usage, and your feedback on surveys.
We have your data because you have willingly consented to use our services (by selecting the box for consent). This equally applies to the information you have consented to give out for email marketing and other forms of marketing. However, you have the right to withdraw your consent to give out your details at any time, as explained in our terms of service, or by reaching out to our service team via email.
How long do your personal details use with us?
Except you ask us to delete your details or our contract with you has ended, your personal details will remain with us. However, if also necessary, we will hold on longer to some or all of your personal details in cases of legal, regulatory, or tax reasons to deal with issues or to deal with fraud and or abuse or the enforcement of our policies (usually for about six years).
We will only keep your information for newsletters or other marketing activities only till you tell us otherwise, and we will keep browsing details only for a period of 26 months.
who do we send your personal details?
Your pieces of information that we get for use on our websites include;
Those who help us with hosting the website and managing it, payment operators, customer services providers, email distributors, e-commerce, analytics, our review management team, customer survey and feedback, our live chats, and delivery services.
The law regulators, police, and other law enforcement agencies help in cases of fraud or abuse and ensure compliance with legal requirements to protect you and us.
To our advisers and issuers professionally when it comes to our insurance coverage or our dealing with legal claims.
To our potential customers, if necessary, in case of a stated purchase or a purchase in progress or for a merger with all or part of our business.
Where does your information go?
The personal details we get from you do not go beyond the United Kingdom and are not transferred to any other countries except in cases where we have to give your information out to countries (especially the US) that provide us with hosting, e-commerce, analytics, email distribution and other services used by us.
If there’s a need to send your personal details outside of the UK, we ensure that there’s legal backing for us to do so. We are, by design, mandated to provide security for your details under the standard contractual clauses sanctioned by the Information Commissioner.
What are your rights?
You have the right to legally ask to have access to your personal details, make adjustments to your details in case of mistakes, delete your details off our website and restrict the usage of your details on our website in certain circumstances or due to data usage. You can also withdraw the consent you have given to have your details used for any of our services (e.g., email) at any point.
If you have any displeasure with our usage of your personal service, kindly reach out to us via our email above, and if you have a feeling that our response to your petition isn’t being handled perfectly, you have the right to complain whenever there’s a problem at the office of the Information Commissioner (ICO).
To learn more about your rights, kindly visit the website of ICO at
what about cookies?
When using a website, cookies are identifications (either numbers or letters) sent to your device’s browser. They are designed to allow the website’s smooth running and give the website owners and operators more information.
We make use of these cookies for the efficient running of our websites. There are temporary cookies; these cookies stay in your browser only until your browser is closed and while more permanent cookies might stay in your browser for a longer time, depending on their lifetime.
To know more about cookies and how to accept, reject or manage them and delete existing cookies, check However, you will place a limitation on our site’s functionality should you choose to reject our cookies.